Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

This has been ringing in my ear for almost a week. I recall a four years ago when I wanted to be laid off or let go so I could have a real break, I was tired I was lost, and I was just confused about what I wanted to do.  I realized that I needed to work so I could contribute to society and help take care of my family.  But I was depressed and I did not want to do anything.  Amazing what a year can do. Amazing what being in-between opportunities can do, but even more amazing is Finding the PASSION in Life and Doing it! JUST DOING WHAT YOU WANT!
It is amazing what time will do.  I have wanted to work in Real Estate, I have always worked in some form of Real Estate.  I started in Mortgage Servicing at Select Portfolio  doing Title Curative work.  It is amazing what kind of clarity comes from doing something you thought you wanted to do but in turn find out it is something that you really do not enjoy. I hated getting up and going to work the last couple of years, the last time I really enjoyed getting up and going to work was when I worked at SPS. I enjoyed all my past jobs. But that is what they were jobs. I loved Real Estate, but most of all I loved Solving problems and helping people.
When I was talking to my mom this last week, she said I sounded positive, just like always. It is a joke that I am Polyanna in my family. I am always looking for the good in the bad, and making the best out of every situation. This has been a downfall for me in the past but lately it has been good for me and I have been putting my positive energy into good use. I decided to welcome these changes in my life and embrace the unknown and have “faith” in myself that I can do anything. I do not let FEAR control me. Love is my guide, hope is my get up in the morning. I now, instead of hiding from the unknown, I embrace this time and embrace the unpredictable which is something I thrive on and I am looking for new opportunities and new perspectives and I am enjoying this time of transition and change.
I have the desire of life in me.  Henry Ford has said “You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait, the grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your
ideas. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude. They have staying qualities. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis.”
I have the passion, and I have learned that if I follow the desires and passions of my heart without fear but with full and complete faith in the universe I will get what my heart most desires and what my mind needs to thrive.
In doing what I did not appreciate, or thrive on, I have learned my path, my desire, my dream job and environment. Now I just have to get back there. Being honest with my situation got me here. Continuing to be honest will move me forward. My father taught me that all we have is our integrity our word. And the minute that is lost what else do we have but empty promises and passions that are non-existent.  I would rather be unemployed and keep my integrity and passion for life, than employed and living in fear of doing something wrong and hating each and every minute of my day. Doing what you love and then leaving it to go and try something else only to find that you are not well suited for that environment, finding that you do not thrive, finding that you miss your daily routine can be a real wake up call.
Every day you take a risk, be that not wearing your seatbelt, not saying what you really feel, taking a leap of faith and not knowing where you will end up.  In the last few years I have taken a lot of risks. And I think I want to be done, I want to get back to my stable happy place.  Real Estate has become that place. I can solve problems and help people. But I also get to help inspire and motivate others. 

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